Monday, May 26, 2014

Difficulties of conserving the energy in India

It has been a magical 2 months of April and May when I was involved in a amazing contest called Mission-Energy conducted by NDTV in association with CII. I was the finalist and as per tasks, we were supposed to chalk out the tasks to reduce the energy consumption in my home and I was energized to take part in the competition and suddenly a rapid change in weather hit my beautiful city where we had to fight ourselves massive heat wave and it was too much to handle for a city like Bangalore which is always appreciated as AC city because of its hilly geographical position and amazing surroundings and lots of greenery around to make the city cool, but the temperatures this time were so high that we had to survive under the fan/AC which made our lives hell.

This summer has been one of the worst summers we Bangalore-ans had to face owning to its rapid weather change and rapid change in temperatures as it was inevitable for the local Government to sustain the costs and we had to face the wrath of the Electricity price hike which added more fire to the already burning high bills in the household.

The challenge was a good experience for me to see the bright side of nature to harness the goodness of the Sun and I hope the organizers had given us little more time for the evaluation of the plans set by us for Energy conservation as all plans don't take same time for Return of Investment and I agree that irrespective of the people who have participated and put in their efforts in this challenge, all of them are winners and deserve to be patted on their back for doing their bit for the environment and I wish all the participants good luck for the final frontier.

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